I don't know if I have mentioned on here that I recently changed jobs and I am now at the Rhode Island School of Design Museum (RISD Museum) doing fundraising for them. It is absolutely inspiring to be surrounded by art and creativity evey day of the week. It also just so happens that the RISD Store is just across the street from my office and with it being the store for an art school it is filled with lots of wonderful stuff for the paper crafter in me as well. Today I made a trip over there to see if they had the extra large Moleskine Sketch book and although they did not have it - by the way it is the one thing that it seems eveyone asks for and they have not yet received from Molskein - I did not leave the store empty handed. I snagged these awesome handmade sheets of paper (they are are at least 30x20) that I have plans to turn into a journal or two and a pack of blank greeting cards that are made from Bamboo and Cotton. I had to leave before I spent my entire pay cheque in there but I know I will be back often.
I cannot wait to play with my new stuff this weekend.
Oh did I mention that I also get a discount as a staff member!
Lucky lucky lucky! Send me the scraps. lol
Posted by: FrancineC | May 28, 2011 at 05:45 AM
I'll share the wealth lol!!!
Posted by: VernellC | May 28, 2011 at 10:26 AM