The plum trees in the backyard are for another year laden with fruit. We picked our first set yesterday and they are just as delicious as last year. I had been a bit worried that with June not being as rainy as last year that we would not get as many (or any) plums this year. Guess I was proven wrong.
I took these photos as part of the class that I am doing with Shimelle Laine (yes I am doing another of her classes, what can I say, I am a Shimelle addict) called Love Your Pictures, Love Your Pages. I created the mosaic at Bighugelabs.
Plums look great, Lots of fruit crumble and jam yum yum.
Posted by: Rachel | July 09, 2010 at 06:01 PM
Thanks Rachel! I may have to look for some easy recipes or find someone who can make stuff with plums. I figure if I supply them with the fruit they can supply me with the baked goods and jam LOL!!
Posted by: VernellC | July 12, 2010 at 11:47 PM